Sunday, August 10, 2014

ArrayPlotter 0.2 Released

ArrayPlotter 0.2 has been released and is available on the Visual Studio Gallery:

New to this release:
- Support for interleaved data arrays with the Stride option. Specify the channel of the data with the offset option and the number of interleaved channels with stride
- Fixed a bug where NaN floating point numbers would cause chart min/max exceptions

Unfortunately customised chart colours is not available this release due to unexpected limitations in the charting toolkit I am using. I'll be working on that for the next release

Monday, August 4, 2014

Coming soon to Version 0.2

A couple of usability tweaks are coming in the next release of ArrayPlotter.
  • Support specification of array stride / offset for analysis of interleaved arrays (ie multichannel audio)
  • Support user configured chart colours
Keep an eye on the Visual Studio Gallery, your Visual Studio update notifications or this site for the update!

Also if you have any particular requests, questions (or complaints!) then fire off an email to, start a Discussion on the Gallery or leave a comment on the blog.